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The All-Inclusive Promises of God


What else did she do when she touched? She took a healing. Jesus was not having a healing

meeting. He wasn’t praying for the sick. She didn’t even ask Him if it would be okay for her to

touch Him. She didn’t ask if it was His will. It is good that some of these theologians didn’t get a

hold of her before she got to Jesus and explain to her how it’s not always God’s will.

She just came and saw and heard, and she took it. That’s why she was afraid when He stopped

and said, “Who touched Me?”

She was probably thinking, “Oh, no! He’s going to want it back,” because she didn’t ask. But He


want it back. He was glad. He said, “Daughter, be of good comfort. Your faith has made

you whole.”

One might ask, “Are you saying our faith will heal us?” No. Jesus said it.


said that.

Faith is not a passive waiter. Faith is an appropriator. Faith is a lay-holder, a taker.

Now, you can have this in mind. John 3:27 says, “A man can receive nothing, except it be given

him from heaven.”

The Amplified Bible says, “A man can receive nothing [he can claim nothing, he can take unto

himself nothing] except as it has been granted to him from heaven.” What is the Good News?

Healing has been bought and paid for. It has been granted to us just like salvation has been. The

new birth has been granted to us. You couldn’t take it if it wasn’t already given to you. Nobody

is going to wrestle out of the hand of God something that’s not His will. Let me paint a picture

for you, though. If it wasn’t His will, it wouldn’t be in His hand.

He bought it and He paid for it, so we can enjoy it. But it is important to understand that what

has been provided by grace must be possessed by faith. Do you remember the Promised Land?

Canaan’s land was a type of the blessings we now have in the provisions and possessions in

Christ. He told them, “Behold I have given you the land,” then right after, He said, “Go up and

possess it.” He said, “Every place the sole of your foot will tread upon will be yours. I’ve given it

to you. Now go take it.” (Joshua 1:2-3) The first generation didn’t enjoy it, not because it wasn’t

given to them, but because they didn’t have the faith to take it.

Millions of Christians have thought they were waiting on God. I’ve done it, and maybe you’ve

done it, I suppose. Waiting on God, and waiting on God.

“God, when are You going to take care of my finances?” “God, when are You going to heal

me?” “God, when are You going to do this?” That is wrong thinking. That’s like the sinner

saying, “Lord, when are You going to save me?”

How many lost people are waiting on the Lord to save them? None of them. He’s already paid

the price. There is nobody on the planet who can say, “Well, I’m waiting on the Lord to save me

in His own good time, in His own good way, when it’s His will.” They’re wrong. When can they

be born again? Right now. It’s already been provided. It’s already been bought. It’s already been