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The All-Inclusive Promises of God


that didn’t tell us much, because we already knew there was a whole lot they didn’t know. That’s

not a stretch to think that we got to a place where they couldn’t do it.

But aren’t you glad when men look at you and say, “I’m sorry but there’s nothing that can be

done,” you might have to bite your lip, but you can say, “You’re not saying it right.” You don’t

have to tell everyone that; you just need to know it for yourself. You know that when men say,

“Nothing can be done,” that’s not the final word; that’s not it.

My father in the faith, Kenneth E. Hagin, who is in heaven now, was told he had to die, that he

could not live past age 16. He had been born prematurely, was deformed in his organs, and had a

so-called incurable blood disease. Multiple physicians had told him he had to die, that he could

not live. Were they saying it right? No. But Brother Hagin found Mark 11:22. He found this

verse when he was paralyzed as a teenager, and he read that it said, “And Jesus answering saith

unto them, Have faith in God. For verily I say unto you, That whosoever,” there it is, “shall say

unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his

heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have

whatsoever he saith.” How many areas does this cover? Whosoever would have whatsoever, he

said. It is all-inclusive.

Verse 24 continues, “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire,” what if you desire

healing? What if you desire a well body? What if you desire to be strong without pain? Who has

a right to say, “No, that includes a lot of things but not that”? Nobody has a right to say that.

What does “whatsoever” include? “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe,” and

this is very specific. Believe what? “Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” Now,

which happens first? You shall have them, or you believe you receive them? Which happens


So many folks are wanting to have it, and then they’re going to believe they got it. Well, when

are you going to believe you’ve got it? “When I feel better. When we get a good report.” It will

be too late to believe it. Then you would know it. Then you would feel it and see it. Believing



you see it.

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not

seen.” When you don’t see it, and you don’t feel it, that’s when you believe it.

We don’t see Jesus, but we’re believing. We haven’t seen Him returning and coming back, but

we’re in faith. We believe it. We haven’t seen heaven, but we’re in faith about it. We believe it.

We’re not theorizing, and we’re not wondering. I don’t toss and turn at night wondering if I’m

saved or not, and neither should you. I waste no time theorizing, “

What if there’s no heaven



wonder what really happens after death


Maybe it’s the end

.” I lose no sleep, and I waste no

time thinking such thoughts. Why? I’m a believer. I believe what this says. I believe it just like

He said it. He said that He paid the price for me, and that if I believe it and receive it, I would be

saved. (Mark 16:16) I have, and I am. He said my name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

(Revelation 21:27) I believe it. He said He has gone to prepare a place for us. I believe it. It’s

happening just like He said. “I’m coming back again.” (John 14:3) He is.