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The All-Inclusive Promises of God


Never let any man or woman in any profession be the final authority in your life on anything. I

don’t care if they’re the best attorney in the world and can quote half the law books verbatim, if

they look at you and tell you, “There is no way,” they’re not saying it right. What they should be

saying is, “I don’t know of any way,” because the truth is, all things are possible to him that


Thank God for doctors. But I’ve seen professionals, men and women who were top in their field,

say, “Well, there’s no hope. There’s no cure. There’s no way. When you get to this stage, there’s

no way you can overcome it.” They’re not saying it right. What should they say? “We don’t

know of anything. We can’t do anything.” But what is the truth? “All things are possible to him

or her that believes.” That is the Bible. That is the truth.

Now, some people say it ignorantly, and others say it arrogantly. Those who are arrogant say,

“No, I know what I’m talking about. I’m the best in the world on this, and if I said it can’t be

done, it can’t be done!” Yes, and you’re full of pride and don’t know your limitations. You’re a

created being, but your Creator can do what you don’t know how to do.

People are too quick to quit. They’re too quick to give up. They’re too quick to believe it when

others tell them, “Nothing can be done. You can’t do it. It’s too late. It’s too hard. There’s too

much. It’s too far gone.”

Don’t let another man or woman—even if they’re supposed to be the best in the world—have the

final say, the final word in your life about the thing. Thank them for their input, and thank them

for their time, but you better check with Someone else, too. You better see what the Big Boss

says, the Expert of all experts. There are a lot of folks who think they know everything, but He

actually does. We know Someone Who actually does know everything. Do you know what He

said about it? He said that it


possible. What men say can’t be done, He said


be done. That

means it’s not impossible. That means it can happen!

I don’t care how far behind you are on your bills, and how messed up your finances are, it is

possible for you to get out of debt, get ahead, have extra money, and sow big in the kingdom of

God. It is possible for you.

I don’t care how terrible your marriage has been. It is possible for it to be totally transformed,

and instead of hell on earth, be a taste of heaven on earth. If you say, “Ahhh, I just don’t know.”

Well, then it won’t be possible for you. All things are possible, not for everyone but for who?

For those who believe.

In Matthew 18:18, Jesus said, “Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be

bound in heaven….” What if you bound up cancer? What if you bound up any kind of bad thing

that’s been working? What if you say, “I bind this up. I shut it down in Jesus’ Name?” Is it

possible to stop it?

Maybe the experts say, “No, when it goes this far, that’s it. Nobody can stop it.” Well, they said

it wrong. What should they have said? “We don’t know how to stop it.”