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The All-Inclusive Promises of God


Some might ask, “How do you know it?” I believe it. “You haven’t seen it. You haven’t been

there. I can’t believe anything I can’t see.” That’s completely wrong. The only way you can do

something about things you haven’t seen, things that haven’t happened yet, is by faith, and you

just choose to believe it.

People say, “Well, seeing is believing.” Absolutely not. Seeing is seeing. You believe when you

can’t see.

The Church is so ignorant of these things. Thank God for the Word. “What things soever ye

desire,” what things? Would that include healing? “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,”

do what? “Believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

I mentioned earlier that you could believe that God is able to heal you, and believe it is His will

for you to be healed, and still not be healed. “How could that be, Brother Keith?” Right here, He

said specifically what to believe. He didn’t say to believe that God can do it, and He didn’t say to

believe it is His will—as important as those things are. What did He specifically say to believe?

Say this out loud, three times:

I must believe that I receive it.

I must believe that I receive it.

I must believe that I receive it.

Because we’re in the natural, because we see and feel the symptoms, and because of hundreds of

years of wrong teaching in the Church, this is an area where people miss it daily.

People might say, “Well, Brother Keith, glory to God, I heard you. I mean, twenty-three reasons

why we’re sure it’s God’s will for all to be healed. I’m sold. I believe it. When is He going to do

it? When is it going to happen?”

It’s so easy to get back into waiting on it when we don’t see and feel it—waiting for God to do it.

I don’t care who you are or how long you’ve known this, you need to check up on yourself. I

don’t care if it’s your money, I don’t care if it’s your healing, or if it’s answers for your family or

your kids, whatever it is, if you’re waiting on it,


are you waiting on it? That means you’re

not going to believe you have it until you see it. That’s a problem.

What if you say, “Well, when is God going to save me? I see it’s His will. He’s not willing that

any should perish, so when is He going to save me? I guess we won’t really know until we get to

heaven or after this life, and then we’ll see what we see.” That would be too late.

Do you understand that you have to believe you receive salvation before you see it? You have to

confess Jesus is Lord. You have to believe your name is in the Lamb’s Book of Life



see it. You have to believe you’re saved before you die, before you get to heaven.

What hasn’t been taught is that everything else in the faith life is that way, too. That’s just the

nature of faith. You have to believe you’re healed, that you receive your healing, before you feel

healing. You have to believe you receive your money before it’s in your hand. You have to