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The All-Inclusive Promises of God


Here’s the thing that was new to me: Once you pray that, now believe you have it. “Do you mean

before I feel anything? Before I see anything?” Exactly.

“Now, speak in tongues.” What? I don’t hear anything. I don’t feel anything. “Speak by faith.”

How do you do that? I don’t want it to be me. Well, he had explained how it is going to be



you’re speaking. So, with nobody around, in my little mobile home by myself, I just said,

“Okay,” and I started speaking in tongues. I thought, “Nah.” “No, because when Sister-So-and-

So got filled, she felt the fire.” Then I read it again, and he said that your understanding is

unfruitful. You do it by faith. The more you yield, the better the flow. I said, “Well, it’s more

than I’ve ever done.” So, I prayed some more, and spoke some more, and spoke some more, and

the more I did, the better it was. The better it was, the more I wanted to do it. I’ve been praying

in tongues for years.

One of the things that almost hindered me from doing it, before I acted on that little book, was

my thinking, “No. No way.” Why? Because if this is true, then all this stuff I’ve been doing for

the last years was for nothing. All this time I thought I was waiting on God. I actually said this

by myself, when I really started speaking in tongues, I stopped and I thought, “You mean I could

have been doing this 10 years ago?” I was annoyed!

Why am I saying this? Millions think they are waiting on God. They think they’re waiting on

Him. “I believe in God. I believe God can do anything. I believe it’s His will.” Wonderful, but

you have to go further. You must believe that you receive. You must believe that you take it, and

then you must be ready to act on what He tells you in connection with that. You must possess

your possessions. You have to put your foot on it. You have to say, “That healing is mine! I’m

taking that healing…That money is mine! I’m taking that money! I claim it! I believe I receive

it! I’m not waiting on anything. It’s mine. It’s been provided. It’s bought and paid for. I’m taking

it. I’m taking it!” You lay hold of it, you possess it, and you take it to yourself. You put your foot

on it.

Say this out loud:

“Put your foot on it. Put your foot on it. Put your foot on it.”

He said, “Go up and take the possession of it. Don’t be afraid, don’t be discouraged.” He said,

“Go up at once and possess it.” “Every place the soul of your foot shall tread upon I have given it

to you.” (Joshua 1:3) It’s Bible.

He said, “Fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life.” (1 Timothy 6:12) Lay hold of it.

Glory be to God!