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He Has Promised Us Long Life


We know what happens, and we’re not afraid. If you could back away from the planet a few

hundred miles and could see in the Spirit, there is a constant flood of people coming into the

earth and leaving the earth. There are arrivals: conceptions and births. And there are departures:

people leaving the planet. Millions are leaving right now. Soon and very soon, you’ll leave.

Some people say, “Oh, don’t talk about that.” Come on, get free. Are you a believer? Are you

born again? Then this physical death is not the end. You slip out of your body, and you go to be

with Jesus. It’s exciting. We’re only here for a couple of hours. Don’t let anyone talk you out of

part of your hour.

Say this out loud:

I am not afraid of death.

Jesus has conquered death.

I am not afraid to die.

I’m saved. I’ll go to be with Jesus.

If you’re afraid of death, you need to get the Word in you until you get free of this. It’s a

paralyzing thing, a tormenting thing, and you’re not supposed to have it like the rest of the

world—the unsaved world—has it. You’re supposed to be unafraid of death.

In Philippians 1:20, he said, “According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I

shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in

my body, whether it be by life, or by death.”

Say this out loud:

“Christ shall be magnified in my body in life and in death.”

Verse 21 says, “For to me to live is Christ,” the Anointed One. My life is the anointed life, the

anointed, victorious life. “And to die is…”


? Why did I say that? Because to millions, it is

petrifying. They think dying is the worst thing in the world that can ever happen to you. But it’s

not. Paul said, by the Spirit of God, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. But if I live in

the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor.” Why should we stay and live in the flesh? What is labor?

It is work, and as a result of work, fruit. Why should we fight to be protected? Why should we

fight to survive and to be healed, to live and finish up our two and one-half hours? Why? To do

the work and to get the fruit, because it’s over so quickly anyway. We want to get all of our work

done and get all of our fruit.

You don’t want someone else getting your work and your reward and fruit. You want to get all

you’re supposed to get, because I’m telling you, when this thing is over, before the judgment seat

of Christ, getting our rewards for what we’ve done in the body and in the work of the Lord, even

though people think it isn’t that big of a deal now, is going to be amazing and forever. If you

didn’t do it, you will have wished that you had done everything that you could have done.

If the devil can’t get you to get into evil and sin and to hurt other people—if you’re going to be a

Christian—then he wants you out of here now. If you’re going to go to heaven, go now and get

out of here so that you don’t influence anyone else for the Lord. He’d rather take you to hell with

him, but if he can’t do that, and you are going to go to heaven, then just get out of here now. Just

go now.