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Authority Over Demons and Disease


Well, I don’t like the way some think about it. Who is our example, centuries of church tradition

or Jesus?

Now, it is right to pray. I’ve talked about it, and I’m


to talk about it, but study the

Scriptures carefully, and you’ll see it to be a rare thing that Jesus prayed about people being

healed. You’ll see again and again that He exercised authority. He exercised dominion, again and

again. He lived “prayed up,” didn’t He? He wasn’t trying to get ready when something came up.

He was ready. We can be the same way. By His help and grace, we can do the same.

When something came up, Jesus didn’t run and have a conference and put a committee together.

He didn’t call a prayer meeting. What did He do? He shut it down with the authority of words

and the power of the Spirit. He told us to operate that way.

I’m going to share a couple of testimonies from Brother Kenneth E. Hagin’s life because there’s

such revelation in it, and it illuminates this area that we’re talking about.

He has a book called I Believe in Visions. In that book, and in other books, he describes

visitations he had from the Lord. Now, you have to decide whether you believe that or not, but I

do. We know it happened in the Bible, and the Lord is the Head of the Church, so He can give

people visions as He chooses.

Brother Hagin said, concerning one occasion when the Lord appeared to him, “I saw Him just

like I see you.” He was telling him some things, and he was so intent to get them. He said he saw

a little imp-looking creature, and he realized later it was a demon.

Notice it was


. We get a picture of these great, big, fire-breathing things, but most of them

are just ugly, little, annoying creatures.

He said this little monkey-like looking imp came and just started jumping up, making shrill

noises, yakkety, yakkety, yak, and putting out this smoke screen. He said he stood there, and the

smoke got thicker and thicker, and he could barely see Jesus anymore. With all this screaming

and shrill noise, he could hardly hear what Jesus was saying. It was really irking him, and he was

thinking, “Why doesn’t Jesus make him stop? Doesn’t the Lord know I’m not getting everything

He’s saying? Why doesn’t He make him stop? Why doesn’t He make him stop?”

And Jesus just kept talking.

Finally, Brother Hagin pointed his finger at the imp and said, “I command you to be quiet in the

Name of Jesus Christ!” When he did, the thing just fell to the floor and lay there like a whipped

pup. And the smoke cleared up. He said the Lord looked at him and said this to him:

“If you hadn’t done something about that, I couldn’t have.”

Brother Hagin said, “Lord, I know I misunderstood You! You said You



anything about it, but You really meant that You

