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Authority Over Demons and Disease


‘Lord, I know You said that. It has been only a month since You appeared to me in

Rockwall, Texas, and told me to command the demon or demons to come out in your

Name. I told the demon to come out of that man, but he didn’t.’

Again Jesus pointed His finger at me and said, ‘I said, in My Name call out the demons

and they


leave the body!’

I know You said that, Lord, and I commanded the spirit to leave this man’s body in the

Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he didn’t go.

Jesus put His finger in my face and said for the third time, ‘

I said, in My Name the

demons will go!

Call them out in My Name, and they will leave the body in My Name.’

Weakly, I replied again, ‘Lord, I know You said that. It happened just a month ago and it

is as fresh in my mind as if You said it last night. I know what You told me. And I did tell

that demon to leave this man’s body, but he didn’t go.’

I think I know how Jesus looked when He drove the money-changers out of the Temple,

as recorded in Mark chapter 11. Suddenly it seemed as if His eyes shot fire; I could see

flashes of lightening in them.

For the fourth time He jabbed His finger at me and said emphatically, ‘Yes, but I said he

would!’ Then He disappeared.

I realized then that I had acted in unbelief.”

Oh, friend, do you get this? Do you hear this? “I said it. I said it and it didn’t happen.” What does

that mean? It doesn’t mean that you don’t have authority, and it doesn’t mean it’s not the will of


Millions of people don’t even believe this. “It’s up to the Lord, whatever He wants, and let’s just

beg God to make the devil quit.”

“We sometimes think that if we have a special gift or anointing to minister, it always will

work—but that is not the case. No matter how much authority we might have, no matter

how many special gifts we might have, or how much power we might possess, they all

work by faith and

faith only


When I realized I had exercised doubt instead of faith, I saw my mistake. I called the man

to come back to the platform. He was standing at the rear of the auditorium and hadn’t

gone back to his seat yet.

I pointed to him and said, ‘Come back up here, Brother.’ He retraced his steps back up

the aisle. I stood on the platform waiting for him to come around to the altar to where I

was. The instant he stood before me, I slapped him on the back, and with my other hand

on his chest I said, ‘Satan, I told you to leave this body! Out you go in the Name of the