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Authority Over Demons and Disease


Lord Jesus Christ!’ Then I said it to the man, ‘Now, my brother (I didn’t put an “if” in it

this time), stoop over and touch your toes!’

Instantly his back was limber. The tuberculosis of the spine was gone. The spine which

had been as stiff as a board was healed. He could stoop over and touch his toes as well as

any normal person. He was completely well!

Because this man had come to our meeting from Arkansas, we didn’t see him until two

weeks later. He came back to be in the last Saturday night service.

I asked him if he was still able to stoop over and touch his toes.

‘Yes, I am still free.’ He said with a big smile lighting his face. He stepped out into the

aisle, stooped over, touched the floor, and went through several exercises to prove he was

still limber and free.

This experience demonstrated to me once and for all the importance of following God’s

Word explicitly. God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). And I learned that


matter who we are, if we move in unbelief, we will stop the flow of God’s power.

We must believe we have authority. We must believe we are empowered, and we must do it

without doubting, without wavering. Do you have authority? Have you been given power in the

Name of Jesus? Think about what we call the Great Commission.

Some say, “Well, that was just Jesus.” No, he gave power to the 12.

“Well, that was just the 12.” No, he gave power to the 70.

“Well, it was just them.” No, it was all through the Book of Acts.

“Yeah, but it was just them.” No, what does the Great Commission say in Mark 16? Let’s remind


Every Christian believes in the Great Commission, don’t they? Certainly they do. What is the

Great Commission? Mark 16:15-17 says, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to

every creature.” Who is going to do the preaching? We are. “He that believeth and is baptized

shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that

believe…” What is the first thing He mentions? Is this just for Jesus? No, this is for those who

believe in His Name. This is right in the middle of the Great Commission. Is it just for the 12?

No. Just for the 70? No. Just for Paul in the Book of Acts? No. “In my name shall they cast out

devils; they shall speak with new tongues.” Are you a tongue-talker? Well, you ought to be

devil-caster-outer too. You don’t have to get spooky or superstitious or fearful. You don’t have

to get weird at all.

Some ask, “Well, what if I didn’t see anything?” Is it stealing? Is it killing? Is it destroying?

Then it’s the devil, and you have a right to shut it down.