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Authority Over Demons and Disease


Well, if we have authority over them, they shouldn’t be running over us. Who has authority over

who? According to the Bible, we have authority over them. You never read where the Bible tells

us to be patient because the Lord has temporarily given demons and disease authority over us or

anything like it. He gave us power and authority over all demons, even the great big, ugly, hairy

ones. He also gave us power to cure diseases.

This is said just a little bit differently in Matthew’s account. Matthew 10:1 says, “And when he

had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power…” Now if you look it up, that is

the word for “authority,” and it can be a little bit confusing because in the King James Version,

they’re used interchangeably. There’s a different word for “power,” which is


. It’s a

word from which we get our word “dynamite.” Power. We’re talking about explosive strength,


But this is another word,


, depending on which Greek scholar you read. Never argue

about pronunciation of some of these things. Scholars who spend their whole lives studying these

disagree among themselves. In some of the Hebrew words in particular, we have added vowels

so we can pronounce them. Besides, it’s more important to know what they mean than to

pronounce them perfectly and not believe it. But there’s a word for “power,” and there’s a word

for “authority.” We’re talking about authority.

We have the power in the Holy Spirit. He’s the Powerhouse. He’s the Greater One. He’s the One

Who was hovering over the face of the deep, and when God spoke the Word, He manifested it.

He has power to create planets, and He lives in you and me.

But you can have power


authority here in the earth. I mean, you might have a military

tank, and you’ve got power, but that doesn’t mean you have the right to drive it down the street

and blow up my house, do you? You have no authority to be riding down the street shooting it.

You’ll find out quickly that the people who


have authority are going to come get you. You

might say, “I’ve got the power! I’ve got the power!” But they say, “Yes, but we have the


and the power.” They’re going to shut you down. You need both power and authority.

You’ve got to have the authority to use the power—and we do. He gave us both of them, power

and authority.

Here in Matthew 10:1, when He says “power,” it is actually the word for “authority.” “He gave



against unclean spirits,” to do what with them? “To cast them out, and to heal all

manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” If you put them both together, Luke said, “All

demons.” Matthew said, “All sickness and all disease.” All means what? It means all, everything

included, nothing excluded. Does that mean there is no demon that exists that we don’t have

power over? There is no disease that we don’t have authority over? We have power and authority

over all demons. We have power and authority over all sickness, over all disease. We need to say

that. We need to think that. We need to get that built into our consciousness.

When I had the privilege of working in the Healing School, we’d have a day when we would

minister to people in a special way, and I would spend extra time waiting on the Lord and getting

quiet. The Lord led me to these verses, these very ones, in Matthew 10 and Luke 9. He led me to