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Chapter 16: Authority Over Demons and Disease

In Luke 9:1-2, it says, “Then he [Jesus] called his twelve disciples together, and gave them

power and authority over all devils,” or demons, “and to cure diseases. And he sent them to

preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.” In Luke 10, it records He did the same thing

with the seventy.

Reason number 16 we are sure it is God’s will for all to be healed today is because we’ve

been given authority over demons and over disease.

Jesus gave them power and authority, and we’re going to look at the authority side of it. He gave

them authority over demons, and authority to cure diseases. He sent them and told them, “You

go preach the kingdom of God, and you go heal the sick.”

This sounds strange to us. “You go heal the sick.” Who did He send to heal the sick? He sent

them. How are they going to do that? They’re just human beings like you and me. They’re going

to do it the same way Jesus did it, because He was operating as a human being. He was not

operating as God, although He is. The Bible tells us He emptied Himself. (Philippians 2:6-8) He

laid aside His mighty weight, glory, and power, and He performed no miracles until He was

baptized in the river and the Holy Spirit descended on Him in a bodily shape and form as a Dove.

(John 1:32; 2:11) Then after the temptation, He came out in the power of the Spirit, and you

began to see miracles. If He was just doing these as God, He could have done them when He was

five years old, or ten, or twelve, but He didn’t.

Some say, “Well, there are apocryphal writings that say He did.” I know it. Some of them have

Him healing His little friends while they played and raising a little bird from the dead. Don’t you

believe it. I said, “Don’t you believe it.”

Some say, “Well, He’s God. He could.” He is God, but no, He couldn’t do them operating as a

man. He emptied Himself, and the Bible tells us the first miracle was the turning of water into

wine at the wedding of Canaan. (John 2:7-11) So we have to believe that. And that didn’t happen

until after the Holy Spirit came on Him and anointed Him. Why? Because He wasn’t doing it as

God. He was doing it as a man.

Now we know that has to be true because of what He told us in John 14:12. He said, “He that

believeth on me,” in My name,” “the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than

these shall he do.” How in the world could we do it if He did it as God and we’re not God? It

would be impossible. But, if He did it as a man, anointed with the Holy Spirit, and if He

authorized us with the same authority and anointed us with the same Spirit, then we could see the

glorious possibility of us doing the very same type of things that He did. That’s why He came

and demonstrated it, to show us how to do it.

For centuries the church has sat back and put Jesus’ ministry on a pedestal that cannot be

attained by any mortal human on the planet. They just “ooh” and “ahhh,” and then say, “He