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Your Body Is the Temple of the Holy Spirit


defiled His house? We just read in the Bible concerning anyone who defiles the temple of God,

that God will destroy them. That’s strong, isn’t it? Well, you know this story, but I want you to

see, like Mr. Harvey always said, “…the rest of the story.”

Matthew 21:12 says, “And Jesus went into the temple of God…” Today, God does not dwell in

temples made with men’s hands. I don’t care how big and fine the building is, God doesn’t just

live in buildings. He lives in us. We are the temple. We are the temple of the most High God.

“And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple,

and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.” They

literally did. They had livestock and birds, with their smell and their filth, and not only that, they

had greedy people in there. They had swindlers, liars, and deceivers in the house of the Lord.

Well, it ought to aggravate and upset you, too. He did not just sit there idly by. He got up. He

threw the tables over. He drove them out. He had a whip. “And He said unto them, It is written,

My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. And the blind

and the lame came to him in the temple; and he healed them.” This is prophetic showing that the

house, the building, is not going to be the temple of God; it’s going to be people’s bodies.

Do you suppose Jesus still believes in getting the temple cleansed? Are our bodies part of this

temple? Contrary to popular opinion, they are, and He demonstrated it by healing people’s

bodies in connection with the cleansing of temples.

We are convinced it is God’s will for all of our bodies to be healed because our bodies are the

temple of the Holy Spirit. Does God want sickness in His house? Why would He? He doesn’t.