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Your Body Is the Temple of the Holy Spirit


leprosy in the house; it is unclean. And he shall break down the house, the stones of it, and the

timber thereof, and all the mortar of the house; and he shall carry them forth out of the city into

an unclean place.” They lost the house. They destroyed the house.

Is sickness acceptable in a house? In the Lord’s house? It’s only right to take care of what the

Lord has given us. We ought to spend the money, we ought to buy the supplies, and we ought to

do whatever it takes to keep it nice and clean.

What if you went to church and someone had let a bunch of pigs into the building or a pack of

dogs had gotten in? What if someone just left the doors open and said, “Ah, whatever,” and

people had thrown stuff on the floor five years ago, and it hadn’t been picked up yet? If it was

stinking and had filth in it, what would you think? That would be talked about wouldn’t it?

They’d say, “That’s terrible! Terrible! They have filth in the Lord’s house! Terrible!”

And what if you said, “Now I just believe that this filth is the Lord’s will. We don’t understand

it, but…”

Well, how many know a church building is not really the Lord’s house? It’s been dedicated to

Him, and used for His purposes, but all of these material things are going to melt with fervent

heat one day. We are the Lord’s house, and that includes these bodies. We just proved it with

other scripture verses. There’s no way sickness in the house of God can be His will. There’s no

way it can please Him, no way. The house of the Lord ought to be clean, healthy, and holy,

without sin, without disease, without fear, and without depression. The Holy Spirit lives in us. (1

Corinthians 6:19) The clean Spirit ought to have a clean house.

It’s amazing. There are men and women who are meticulously clean. I mean, they wouldn’t have

dirt in their house or in their car. They’re clean, and they’ll sit up in church and say they ought to

yield to some nasty disease that’s destroying their body because it’s the will of the Lord some

way. I’m getting worked up about this because people are dying! They’re dying. Why? They are

lying down and yielding to this nasty stuff and saying it’s the will of God.

No, you’re supposed to stand up, stomp your foot, and say, “No, this is not the will of God. I

found the will of God in the Bible. I resist this disease. I resist this thing. I deny its right in my

life and in my body.” Oh, you may see it, and the tests may say it’s there, but you don’t have to

accept it. You do not have to lie down and accept it any more than you accept a bunch of filth in

your house. You’re going to get it out.

Let’s say there’s a pig in the church sanctuary rooting around and making a mess. Can you see

people saying, “Well, leave that piggy alone. It might be the will of the Lord. Just let him make a

mess.” I assure you, they’d put that pig on the move. “Get that thing out of the church!” If there’s

anything that defiles your body, you ought to be the same way. You ought to say, “Get this out of

my body! No! This has no right in my child, in my baby. It has no right in my body.” We’re sure

it couldn’t be the will of God for the house of the Lord to be defiled and corrupted.

Let me prove to you further that this concept of a sickness-free house includes the body. Did you

know that we see the strongest physical manifestation of our Lord ever displayed when someone