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He Is the Vine, and We Are the Branches


might be a blessing in disguise and to just bear their cross. Yet, they get out in their garden on a

Tuesday afternoon, and if they have a blighted, sick tomato plant, do they stop and say, “Thank

You Jesus for blessing my tomato plant with this blight.” Have you ever heard someone say that?

Or has anyone taken you over to their house and said, “Look at my flower bed,” and they’re all

dead? “Look how the Lord blessed my flowers. Now, we don’t understand it, but He blessed

me.” You don’t talk that way. Christians don’t talk that way. Why? Because we have enough

sense to know that sickness in the cornfield is not a blessing. Sickness in the flower bed is not a

blessing. Sickness in your tree is not a blessing; it’s a curse.

Well, if sickness in the tomato plant is a curse, then sickness in Timmy is a curse, or in Tina or

Tammy or whomever. It’s the same stuff. Sickness is not a blessing. It is not a blessing in

disguise, and it’s not a blessing any other wise. Sickness is a curse. It’s not the will of God. It

doesn’t please Him.

If you want to get sickness out of your flower bed or out of your garden, you’ll pull up those

plants. You’ll throw them away. You’ll separate them from the others. You want to get them out

of there. Why? So the others don’t get contaminated.

So don’t sit in church and try to pretend sickness is good in you. If it’s good in you, it’s good in

your plants.

We have a holy Vine that we are connected to, a pure Vine. The life that flows from the Vine

into the branches is completely pure life and light. There is no corruption. He is light, and in Him

is no darkness at all. He is life. There is no death in God.

Some people say, “Oh, now, death is the tool of God. God uses death.” No! Death is the enemy

of God. First Corinthians 15 says so. It’s the last enemy that will be put underfoot. (verse 26)

It’s appointed unto man once to die. (Hebrews 9:27) Our bodies are still mortal, and if He tarries

His coming, we will live out our life and go, but even that is not His perfect will. Man was made



die. That’s why your body resists it even when it comes time. Something about it is not

right. You were not made to die.

But soon and very soon, this body is going to be changed, and this mortal is going to put on

immortality (1 Corinthians 15:54). This body will be in a condition where it will never age, never

wear out, and never die. Won’t that be wonderful? We’ve already discussed that in the

meantime—even though we don’t have the whole resurrection to enjoy right now—we get to

enjoy the earnest of it, the firstfruits of it now. (1 Corinthians 15:20) We have the quickening of

our mortal body that enables us to be strong and healthy as long as we need to be. If you’re not

experiencing it, you ought to be claiming it and believing for it, because it’s still the will of God.

Jesus is the Vine. Do we have disease coming out of the Vine into us? Absolutely not. He is a

healthy, strong Vine, and we ought to be healthy, strong branches.