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He Has Promised Us Long Life


this release in his spirit. He said, “I’m ready. The time of my departure is at hand.” (2 Timothy


The Bible says numerous times that Jesus’ hour was not come. They tried to kill him, but his

hour was not come. Finally He said, “The hour is come.” (Mark 14:41)

We can know and not be upset about it. We can know, and it be a thing of satisfaction with us.

Paul said, “I have fought a good fight.” (2 Timothy 4:7) I am believing to be able to say that at

the end of my life, to look up and to look back and say, “I didn’t know everything, and I didn’t

do everything always the perfect way, but I fought a good fight. I hung in there. I didn’t quit. I

fought a good fight.”

Read that next phrase. “I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

Every one of us ought to lay hold of this with our spirit and say, “I’m doing that. I’m fighting a

good fight. I’m finishing my course. I’m keeping the faith.”

You have to choose to do that because there will be all kinds of things that will try to rob us of

our days, our minutes, and our hours. Paul said, “I’ve kept the faith.”

Verse eight says, “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,

the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love

his appearing.”

This appeals to me. This speaks to my heart when he says, “I’m ready now.” He wasn’t ready

there in Philippians, was he? Personally, he wanted to go, but in his heart he knew, “I’m not

done. I need to work for you and help you some more.” But now he has gotten through that. He

has done all that work, and now he’s excited, because the time of his departure is at hand. He has

fought a good fight, he has finished his course, and he has kept the faith.

Say this out loud:

With long life He will satisfy me.

With long life He will satisfy me and show me His salvation.

I’m claiming all my hours.

I’m claiming my full time.

I’ll not be denied.

I’ll not be robbed.

Greater is He Who is in me than anything against me.

I will fight a good fight.

I will finish my course.

I will keep the faith in Jesus’ Name.