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Scripture Prayers for Healing


going to say, “Wow! I feel good! Yeah!” So, why should we worry about dying? We should not

worry. We should rejoice and not forget all of His benefits. Now, the reason I said that is back in

James 5 again.

James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be

healed.” Now we see what’s going to happen when you confess and you repent. There is some

forgiveness and some healing there.

We just read in Psalm 103:2, “Bless the L


, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.” What

are the first two benefits he mentioned? He forgives all your iniquities, and He heals all your


We’ve not combined these like we should. People, in their minds, have forgiveness of sins in one

category and healing in another, but they should not be separated. They are part of the same

redemption, and they go together. As Christians, we’re supposed to be healthy. “Normal” for us

is righteous and healed and rich. That’s normal for us as victorious children of God. If we’re not

living in that righteousness, something is wrong, and it’s not God’s fault. If we’re not living in

that healing or in that richness and prosperity, something is not right, it’s not God’s fault, and it’s

not God’s will.

So many times we need to make adjustments. One might ask, “Are you saying I’ve sinned,

Brother Keith?” Well, “sin” covers a lot. Are you saying you never have?

What is sin? Well, sin is the transgression of the Law. Sin can be “to him that knows to do good

and doesn’t do it.” (James 4:17) The Bible says that is sin. Sin can be what you didn’t do.

Romans 14:23 says that whatever is not of faith is sin. Sin covers a lot of ground. It can be what

you did, and it can be what you didn’t do. It basically has to do with your heart and doing what

you know in your heart. Sin is a violation of the light you have.

But whether it’s ignorance, or we missed it, or it’s something we didn’t know, aren’t you glad we

can get it right? If we didn’t know it, we can confess it and get forgiven, and if we have a

problem in our life, we can get healed, too. It all flows together.

Do you remember that more than one time, when people came to Jesus to be healed, He linked

the two together? He began to talk to the man about being healed and said, “Your sins are

forgiven.” They said, “How can He say that?” and He would say, “Which is easier—to say ‘your

sins are forgiven’ or to say ‘rise up and walk’? so that you know that the Son of Man has power

on earth to forgive sin.” He said to the sick of the palsy, “Get up! Rise up, take your bed and go!”

and he did. He was healed. His healing proved he had been forgiven. (Luke 5:20-25)

Well, which is easier: to get your sins forgiven or to get healed? What do a lot of folks say? To

get your sins forgiven. But no, they’re the same. They’re received exactly the same way, and

they’re part of the same redemption. Why then do we think that it’s easier to get a sin forgiven?

Because we’ve heard that, and our parents heard that, and our grandparents heard that. For

generations we’ve heard it is God’s will for all to be saved. It’s always God’s will to forgive you.

We’ve heard it, and our faith is there. But with many people, this is the first generation in several