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Scripture Prayers for Healing


Glory to God! Walk out your door and go left for skiing and go right for the beach. This is not

just make-believe.

He said as he was looking at this, he was viewing what was like a valley and all this was his, and

the Lord said to him, “I know what each of My children likes, and I custom build their abodes

for them.” Glory to God!

I looked up that word after reading it because he mentioned it, and sure enough, when it says, “In

My Father’s house are many mansions,” the root word has to do with “manor,” the English word

“manor,” meaning “a landed estate.” I’m sure that they’re different; it would depend on what you

like. This is not too good to be true. This is how good God is. So, they’re working on your place.

That’s what they’re doing.

Well, you don’t want to miss it, whatever it is. I know that. And if you haven’t given your life to

Jesus, you don’t want to wait one more minute. You want to come on in so you don’t miss that

for yourself.

In Psalm 103:1, he said, “Bless the L


, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy

name. Bless the L


, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” This is plural: benefits. You

know, God is big on plural. He’s the Father of mercies, plural. When He blessed Abraham, He

blessed Him with lands, herds, and flocks. Not just a flock, but flocks.

A lot of folks teach and preach that there’s just mostly one benefit to being saved, to being a

Christian: you don’t go to hell. You go to heaven when you die. Thank God, that’s a big one. But

there isn’t just one benefit, there are many benefits. You don’t just have to wonder what He’s

talking about. The very next verse says, “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities.” The number two big

benefit is this: “Who healeth all thy diseases.” And the number three benefit: “Who redeemeth

thy life from destruction.” I don’t care how many times the devil tries to set us up with wrecks,

problems, attacks, and assaults, God just keeps redeeming us, and He just keeps saving us and

sparing us. “Who crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies.” Those are blessings.

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Sin will age you before your time. Have you seen it? Hard living, hard partying, hard drinking,

fussing and cussing, wrangling, and fighting will age you prematurely. It will take years off of

your life; that’s not a theory, that’s a fact, and it has to do with stress. We were not designed to

handle stress. Our emotions were not, our minds were not, and our bodies were not designed to

handle stress. God didn’t make us that way.

You might ask, “What do I do with it?” You’re supposed to give it all to Him. You’re supposed

to cast all your care over on Him. You’re to be careful, “full of care for,” not even one thing.

Why? You and I are not designed to carry care. It has a destructive, damaging, aging effect on

us. That’s why you see so many people who look so hollow-eyed, and so worn and weary. It’s

not because they have more problems in their life than anyone else. It’s not because their life is

harder than everyone else’s. It’s because they’re carrying the cares instead of casting them over

on Him.