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The Laying On of Hands


Reason number 18 we are sure it is God’s will for all to be healed is because of the laying

on of hands.

Look at the last part of that verse. Believers shall do what? Of course, if you didn’t believe in it,

you wouldn’t do it. If you didn’t believe in it, you wouldn’t want someone to lay hands on you,

either. “They shall lay hands on the sick,”

and then it will be up to God? And we’ll see if they get


then we’ll know that it was the will of God. If they don’t, then we’ll know

it wasn’t

God’s will.

We, believers, are supposed to lay hands on people, in faith. James says the prayer of faith will

save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up. (James 5:15) Well, what if I, as a minister, don’t

know who it is God’s will to heal and who it is not? How do I know who should have hands laid

on them?

Some say, “Just lay hands on everyone and leave it up to God.” No. Now if it’s not the will of

God for them to be healed, I ought not be laying hands on them trying to get them out of the will

of God.

People don’t even believe this themselves. They’ll tell you, “I guess it’s not the will of God,” and

then they’ll go to the doctor and spend all of their money trying to get out of the will of God.

You either believe it’s the will of God for you to be sick or you don’t. If you really believe it’s

God’s will for you to be sick, don’t be trying to get out of the will of God. Stay with what you

say. At least be consistent. Stay with what you say you believe.

Now, I have nothing against doctors. I thank God for doctors. They’re fighting the same thing we

are. Disease is not from God. Let’s overcome. Let’s stay alive. Let’s live some more. Let’s beat

this thing. So that’s why it’s not wrong to go to the doctor. It’s not wrong to try to help yourself,

because it never was the will of God for you to be sick.

Doctors and nurses are not fighting the will of God. If they didn’t know, they’d have to pray

before they went into every room, “Lord, should I try to help this man? Because if it’s not Your

will, I don’t want to be trying to get him out of the will of God.” The doctor ought to stop before

he goes into every room, and before he takes every case. When you go to the doctor, and you

have symptoms, he should say, “Okay, but now I’m a Christian. Before I try to treat you, let’s

see if it’s God’s will for you to be healed or not.”

I know that this sounds humorous, but you know, you’re not supposed to just believe something

in church. If you really believe it in church, then you ought to believe it at the doctor’s office,


How can I lay hands on people and confidently expect them to be healed if it might not be His

will to heal them, and I don’t know which ones should receive prayer? Healing lines would take

a long time. I’d walk up to each person and ask, “Lord, yes or no?” I could stand there for an

hour. “Yes or no, Lord. I don’t want to get them out of Your will.”