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The Ministry of Jesus


things I knew and was not doing. I knew it, but I wasn’t doing it.


is not the same thing



. He took me one by one, and I’m telling you, we started to come up. We began to come

out. We began to have money come in like we never had come in. We began to sow like we

never had before, and praise God, we’re still coming up!

But you have to get serious about it and not just lie around and wait and see what’s going to

happen. You have to say, “It’s here. It’s in the Bible, and I’m going to have it. If Jesus bought it,

if He paid for it, I’m going to have it. No matter how long it takes, or what I have to do to stand

and persist, I’m going to have this in my life.” You have to be willing to stay with it month after

month, year after year. And if you do, you’ll have it, you’ll see it.

Again, in Matthew 19:2 it says, “Great multitudes followed him; and, he healed them there.”

I don’t know if we’ve seen this like we should have. Do you remember when Jesus got upset, got

mad? You might ask, “Jesus got mad?” Oh yeah, He threw the tables over. He grabbed the tables

and slung them, and coins and things went flying. He took a whip, and with a real stern look in

His eye, He cleared that place.

Look at Matthew 21:12. “And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold

and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them

that sold doves, And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer;

but ye have made it a den of thieves. And the blind and the lame came to him in the temple; and

he…” said what? “

Not now, I’m busy

”? Did He say, “

Can’t you see I’m upset? We’re not having

a healing meeting in here, we’re having a house cleaning. Everywhere I go, everyone wants to

get healed. It’s not always the will of God. You understand sometimes God’s doing something


” Is that what He said? No.

You would get that impression from some of the things people say. “God’s so busy. My little old

physical thing, I know it doesn’t rate very big on the scale of stuff He’s having to deal with.”

They don’t even believe that themselves. They try to sound humble, and it has nothing to do with


He is God, the Almighty. I’ve heard people say, “I don’t want to bother the Lord.” They are

underestimating Him, big time. People have this picture of God sitting at the old telephone

operator switchboard on the throne, and the prayer calls are coming in, and the lights are

flashing, and God is having to plug in and answer this prayer from the high priest, and the prayer

minister, and the soldier on the front line, and oh, He’s busy! You don’t want to bother Him

because the whole prayer switchboard is lit up and flashing. I thought I even saw a couple drops

of perspiration on the Father’s face. No! There is no heavenly switchboard. God wouldn’t even

have a computer. A computer to Him would be like an oxcart; He would have no use for such a

primitive device. We think we’re so “high tech.” Wait until you get to heaven—you’ll find out

about high tech. God the Father is not old, there is no perspiration on His brow, and He is not

loaded and almost overwhelmed with all of the needs of all of the people on the planet. He is

sitting on the throne, the Almighty, with complete peace, complete power, and complete joy, and

He can hear the king’s prayer, and the widow’s prayer, and the soldier’s prayer, and your prayer,

and find you a parking place downtown all at the same time.