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The Ministry of Jesus


pretty well, with not too little, and not too much, or for you to have abundance, or for you to be

just flat rich? How are you going to find that out? Do you know what most Christians are doing?

They’re saying, “Well…we’ll just see what we see. If it’s the Lord’s will…whatever He wants.”

No, friend, it doesn’t work that way. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:17, “Don’t be unwise, but

understanding what the will of the Lord is.”

We’re told that we’re supposed to find and receive the will of God and go after it. The people

who got healed in Jesus’ ministry are not the people who stayed home and wondered about it.

They are not the people who sat in their bedroom and cried and sang, “Don’t forget me, precious


No! It’s people who got up and through weakness and obstacles pushed, and reached, and

grabbed, and took it. Remember the woman with the issue of blood? (Luke 8:43-48) Jesus was

not having a healing meeting. She didn’t ask Him, “Is it Your will for me to be healed?” She

didn’t ask if she could have a healing. She just went and took one. She just pushed right up there

and grabbed the hem of His garment and took a healing. She felt in her body she was healed. She

backed up in the crowd and stood there smiling like the cat that got the canary and thought,

“Glory to God, I feel it. I feel it.” Then she saw that Jesus was looking at her. The Bible says she

was afraid. Why? Maybe she thought, “He’s going to want this back...” Because she didn’t ask,

“Can I? May I? Should I?” Well, thank God four theologians didn’t get to her and explain to her

that it may not be God’s will. She just pushed through, grabbed her healing, and slipped back

into the crowd.

And He said, “Who touched Me?”

The Bible says all of them denied it, so that means when He looked at her, she denied it too. It

was an ordeal and became uncomfortable because He just kept standing there saying, “Someone

touched me.” It got so uncomfortable that the disciples felt like they needed to step in. They

came and said, “Jesus,” they forgot Who they were talking to, “Jesus…who knows how many

people touched You. What do you mean someone touched You?”

He said, “Someone touched Me.”

When you’ve heard from God, don’t let people get you off of it. “Someone touched Me.”

Finally she saw she couldn’t hide. She probably thought, “He is not leaving. He’s not going to

quit.” So she came and fell down before Him and told Him all the truth, but He didn’t say, “You

should have asked first because it is not always… Don’t assume it’s the will of God.” Wouldn’t

that have been a perfect place to establish that unscriptural doctrine that so many believe? It

would have been such a perfect opportunity for Him to say, “Now, don’t assume it’s the will of

God because it’s not always the will of God, and you just caught me at the right spot, at the right

time today…” No! What did He say? “Daughter. Relax. Be of good comfort. Your faith…” Of

all the things He could have said—“it’s my anointing,” “it’s because I’m the Son of God,” or all

kinds of things—what He did say was this: “Your faith has made you whole. Go in peace. Be

whole in this thing.” (Luke 8:48) And she did, and she was.