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The Types of Redemption


People believe it because that’s how they’ve been raised, and it’s what they’ve been taught from

pulpits, even as children. It’s what their parents were taught, so there are generations of tradition.

People don’t call it


, they call it


, and it’s so serious because it’s replacing

the real Word. People go through their whole lives and don’t get results in an area and wonder

why. It’s because they are holding so fast to this belief that is not the Word, not realizing it was

switched on their grandparents. The devil pulled a switch on people and got them to swap out the

Word for this five, ten, twenty generations ago, and now people cling to it like it’s the Word,

when all it is doing is stealing from them and robbing them.

After a service one time, I had a lady come down because she was annoyed with something I had

said. She said, “Well, now, I just don’t agree with that because you know it’s just like the song


I said, “The what?”

She said, “Well, it’s like the song said.”

I said, “The song?”

She said, “Yes, you know, the song,” and she was quoting words out of a song like it was the

Bible. She was not receiving the scripture we just read to her, but she was holding onto the song.

This has always been a problem. It was a problem in Jesus’ time. What did He tell them? He

said, “You have made the Word of none effect by your traditions.” You have traded the Word for


Don’t think you’re exempt from this. Don’t think we’re talking about somebody else, somewhere

else. If you’ve been in this world longer than a few weeks, you’ve picked up some traditions.

What you need to do—what everybody needs to do, all the time—is examine what you believe.

Ask, “Where is it in the Book? Where is it?” and don’t just read one-third of a verse. If it’s really

the truth, there will be multiple verses that agree on it. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses,

let every Word be established.” (2 Corinthians 13:1)

Numbers 21:4 says, “And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass

the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.” Watch

out for discouragement because it is the path down. It is the path into darkness, failure, and

defeat. “And the people spake against God, and against Moses…” This was dumb. One of the

dumbest things you could ever do is blame God and other people for your problems. It’s dumb,

faithless, and ignorant, and it’s the way to be destroyed. First Corinthians 10:10 says, “Neither

murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.”

Griping and complaining opens the door to the destroyer in your life. Don’t do it, no matter what.

You’ll be tempted at times, but don’t yield to the temptation. Resist it, and instead, thank God.

Find something to thank God about. Be thankful, and in His light, you’ll get more light. You’ll

see more light, and instead of going down, you’ll come up, and you’ll come out.