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Chapter 10: The Types of Redemption

First Corinthians 10:1 talks about how God brought that first generation of Israelites out of

Egyptian bondage, how He brought them through the Red Sea, and about all of the things that

happened to them—both good and bad. In verse 11, it says, “Now all these things happened unto

them for examples,” and the margin of my Bible says “types.” Examples or types, “…and they

are written for our admonition,” or our instruction, “upon whom the ends of the world are come.”

Reason number 10 we are sure it is God’s will for all to be healed today is because of the

types of redemption.

The things that are written in the Old Testament, all the things that happened with God’s people

in the first covenant, are written as types for us. They typify, or portray, what has been fulfilled

in the new covenant, the New Testament. That’s another big reason we should not neglect and

ignore our Old Testament. It is full of beautiful types of Jesus and the work of redemption.

Actually, the writers of the New Testament, for the most part, assume you know the Old

Testament. Can you tell that by reading it? They make reference to it and assume you know it.

Many modern-day Christians are woefully ignorant of the Old Testament.

That’s why it’s important to read the Old Testament. It applies to us today. It’s the Word of God.

It never fails, and it does not change. We are in a different covenant, but we don’t have a

different God. He hasn’t changed. Thing after thing that He told them was prophecy. The things

He told them to do were beautiful prophetic pictures of what was about to happen. In fact,

everybody who was forgiven, everybody who was restored, everybody who was healed,

everybody who had any blessing on their life in the old covenant got it based on what Jesus

would do in the future.

Second Corinthians 1:20 says, “For all the promises of God in Him are yea,” or yes, “and in Him

Amen,” or so be it, “unto the glory of God by us.” All of the promises of God find their “yes” in

Him. Who is “Him”? If you read the passage, “Him” here refers to Jesus.

The New International Version says, “No matter how many promises God has made, they are

‘yes’ in Christ.” Aren’t you glad they are “yes”?

Is it God’s will for you to be healed? The answer is “yes,” but it is only “yes” because of what

the Anointed One has done and continues to do. Every time you need something, it’s yes. Every

time you want something—any blessing, any protection, any deliverance, any healing—all of it

can be yes. If you need provision tomorrow, it’s yes again. If you need healing for the nine-

thousandth time, it’s yes, and it will be yes tomorrow. Yes!

You hear preachers say, “Well, you know, God always answers,” and they kind of raise an

eyebrow. “God always answers. Sometimes it’s ‘yes,’” and they don’t say it, but you can tell

they’re indicating

most of the time it’s not

… “and sometimes it’s ‘no,’ and sometimes it’s ‘wait a

while,’ and you just never know...” That’s not Bible. That’s not Scripture. The Bible says if we

ask anything according to His will, He hears us, and if we know He hears us, whatever we ask,

we know that we have the petition. (1 John 5:15) What does that mean? It means He said, “Yes.”