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Sickness Is Part of the Curse of the Law from Which Christ Has Redeemed Us


Some people read this and say, “Now, it said the Lord would make it cleave to you, and the Lord

would smite you with this, so that means the Lord


make people sick.”

All of the Scriptures have to agree; they can’t disagree. If you think they disagree, it is because

you don’t know or understand something. Isn’t it amazing how ignorant and proud some people

are? They set their limited intellect above the Bible and say, “I’ve studied this carefully, and

there are numerous inconsistencies between these passages. They don’t agree at all. All three of

these writers can’t be right. There are so many errors and inconsistencies...” Who do they think

they are? They’re judging God and they’re judging His Word, saying, “No, You’re wrong. You

didn’t put it right in the Bible.” That’s presumption, pride, and ignorance.

If you’ve been reading the Word any length of time, there have likely been times when you

looked at something and thought, “Hmmm, that doesn’t sound like it goes with this. How could

both of those be true?” But, then you say, “Lord, I know You’re right, so whether I can see it or

not, You’re right. Show me what I don’t see.” Then, over the process of time, sometimes years,

you get light and say, “Oh! No wonder! Well, of course.” You just didn’t see it at first because of


Exodus 12:23 shows with some clarity how to understand this language when it says, “The Lord

will smite you with this.” There are numerous phrases like this in the Old Testament and in the

New Testament.

Paul said to the man who had him backhanded, in the Book of Acts, “God’s going to smite you,

you whitewashed wall.” (Acts 23:3) That’s New Testament. How are we to understand this? If

God is not the killer or the thief or the destroyer, how are we to understand this? I think Exodus

12 gives some insight.

In Exodus 12:12, the Lord told them, “I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will

smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt

I will execute judgment: I am the L



Who did He say was going to smite them? Do you know what happened? They all died.

Something catastrophic happened to them spiritually and physically, and they died. People and

animals died. He said, “I’m going to smite them.”

But notice this last phrase: “I will execute judgment.” This is important. “I will execute

judgment: I am the L


.” Verse 13 says, “And the blood will be to you for a token upon the

houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be

upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Again He says, “I’m going to smite

the land of Egypt.”

Even if you believe He is the One personally doing the smiting, all you have to do is obey Him:

apply the blood, stay where He told you to stay, and you don’t get smitten. Even if you believe

God is the One who is personally killing and making them sick, all you have to do is obey Him,

and it doesn’t happen to you. He is making a way out.