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The Origin of Sickness


No, you’re going to get paid. You cannot just sin and sin and sin. What people don’t understand

is that crying because you got caught is not repenting. What does repentance mean? “Repent

means “to change.” You can cry all night, and if you don’t change the next day, you didn’t

repent; nothing has changed. Since you didn’t repent, you’re going to keep getting paid, with


This is something I think a lot of people don’t understand. They want the blessings of God, but

they want to do what


want to do. Can you just yield to your flesh, have all kinds of affairs,

hurt people left and right, steal, and lie, and then live a long time, stay healthy, and prosper in

God’s best?

Some say, “God will forgive me.” He will, and He loves you, but it will cost you. Even though

God loves you and forgives you, you can still disqualify yourself from His best in your life.

Don’t belittle sin. Sin is serious. Sin is why this world is in a mess, and it irritates me that people

blame God. Religious people do it all of the time. “Well, we just don’t know what God is doing

with all of these wars and shortages and famines...”

Maybe they’re trying to couch it in nice tones, but they’re saying that God is behind these little

children dying from AIDS. They’re saying God has some mystical purpose in whole nations of

innocent people being wiped out because they’re a different religion from someone else. They’re

saying God has all of this in control, and we don’t know why, but He’s got some purpose in it.

No! No! A thousand times NO! God is a good God. He made everything perfect, and sin messed

it up.

Why are all of these terrible things happening today? Because man has a free choice, and man

has chosen to sin and disobey. But even in the middle of it, you can choose to believe, submit,

and obey, and you can be blessed. In the midst of an ugly, mean world, you can be protected. In

the midst of a germ-ridden, disease-filled planet, you can be healed. In the midst of shortage and

economic upheaval in the world, you can be prosperous. Yes, you can! You can if you’ll obey,

listen, and believe.

Where did sickness come from? God didn’t create it. It’s not part of His plan. Sickness is a part

of death. By one man, sin entered in, and death came because of that sin, because the wages of

sin is death. (Romans 5:12)

You say, “It doesn’t say ‘sickness.’” Yes, it does. It also says poverty. It also says every kind of

harassment and confusion and any form of death. If you get enough poverty in your life, you’re

dead. Enough poverty means you don’t even have enough food and drink to keep your body

alive. If you get enough sickness in your body, you’re dead, right? It’s just different degrees of

death. None of it would be here if it hadn’t been for sin, and to say that sickness—which is a

product of sin—is the will of God, is tantamount to saying that what caused it is the will of God.

You might as well say, “Sin is the will of God.” If there had never been any sin, there would

never have been any death, sickness, or poverty.