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In His Original Creation, There Was No Sickness


with diseases. If deformities and sickness was His will, He would have created Adam and Eve

with them built right in from the start. Anything that came along later, because of sin, death, and

curse, is not an improvement on God’s original creation, and it is not good.

God hates sickness. That’s a big statement, but I want you to think about it now. He hates sin,

and death is His enemy. You hear some preachers standing over caskets talking about how God

took this one in death and healed them through death because He loved them and wanted them to

be with Him more than anyone else. They say that talking about a 20-year-old who died in a car


Death is the enemy of God. First Corinthians 15:26-27 says that death is the last enemy that shall

be put under foot. It was not a part of His original creation. When God created everything,

nothing died. Nothing. Flowers didn’t die. Trees didn’t die. Animals didn’t die, and men and

women did not die.

We need to be reminded of this. Everything that you and I have known since we came into this

world is warped. It’s twisted. It’s distorted from the way God made it. Even in its fallen

condition, this planet is amazing, but we need to remind ourselves that it’s messed up. The Bible

says that it is groaning and travailing. (Romans 8:22) Why? It’s dying. The planet is dying just

like we are. It’s been cursed. That’s why the plates are shifting, causing volcanic eruptions and

hurricanes. This is not the will of God. This is not what God created; it’s been messed up. It’s

off. Why? Sin messed it all up.

Oh, but He’s going to fix it. He already has the plan in operation. It’s just a matter of time.

What we need to know right here and now in this life, though, is what is good and what is evil,

what is of God and what is not of God. We need to know what we are to receive and bear

patiently, and what we are to resist with everything that is in us. Christians have been lied to

because they’ve been told from pulpits that God is teaching them something through sickness.

God sent it on them to develop some kind of piety or some kind of spirituality, and they’re

supposed to bear it with meekness and patience. It’s a lie. Sickness is evil. I’m going to prove it

to you, if you’ll receive scriptures.

If God had wanted man sick, He would have created man that way. On what day did God create

sickness and disease? He didn’t. Sickness is not a part of God’s original creation. God created

things according to His perfect will, and that’s one reason we know it’s not God’s will for us to

be sick.