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A Strong Spirit Will Sustain You


The Amplified Bible says, “The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His


Say this out loud:

He gives me unyielding strength, impenetrable strength.

He gives me unfailing strength.

He makes me strong.

He makes me strong.

He gives me strength.

Now the ideal situation is to just do this for at least an hour. For most people, it takes them that

long to finally get their mind quiet and to begin to say it with a little faith. If you’ve never done it

before, then you don’t know what I’m talking about. But I’m telling you, you could sit in your

chair at home, by yourself, and say, “I am strong in the Lord. I am strong. He is the strength of

my life.” You could sit and do that for two hours, just like you could sit there and worry and fear

for two hours, and feel like you don’t have enough strength to get to the bed. You can lay there

and praise and worship Him, and say, “You are my strength. Oh, God, You are everlasting

strength. You are the strength of my spirit and my mind and my life. You quicken me. You make

me full of strength. You make me strong. I’m strong in You.” If you do that for an hour, strength

will literally come out of Him through your spirit into your body.

You might ask, “Are you saying it actually will affect my physical body?”

Yes! It will affect your organs, your blood stream, and your brain cells. Yes! According to how

much faith you have. Or, you can just sit there without faith and keep saying, “I’m strong, I’m

strong, I’m strong. I’m strong. Strong, strong, strong. Yes, I’m strong. I’m strong. I’m strong.”

But it’s going to take you an exceedingly long time to get any benefit out of that if you do. It’s

not just repeating it. It’s faith. That’s why, when you read your Bible, you don’t just speed-read

it and scan it. You sit down and say, “Thank You, Lord, for this precious Holy Word. It’s life to

me. It’s health and medicine to all my flesh. Open it up to me. Help me to see it, and show me

how to put it into practice. In Jesus’ Name.” Then you read each word, and you savor it. You’re

not in a hurry. You read it out loud. You show it respect, and you expect something to happen

when you read it. According to what you put into it, that’s what you’ll get.

Psalm 71:16 says, “I will go in the strength of the Lord G


.” Say it out loud:

“I will go in the

strength of the Lord G



Now, friend, there will be multitudes of times when this is applicable. There will be time after

time when the enemy will come and tell you, “You can’t go. You don’t have the money. You

don’t have the resources. You don’t have the opportunity. You can’t go.” What do you say? “I

will go. I will go in the strength of the Lord.”

There will be times when it’s up to you to make it happen, and it isn’t happening because the

strength is not in you; it’s not in your mind, it’s not in your body, it’s not in your pocketbook.

The devil will tell you—and it will look like it and feel like it—that you can’t go, and you can’t

do it. That’s the time when, from the inside of you, you say, “I will go. I will go on. I will go