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A Strong Spirit Will Sustain You


doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.” What do good ministers do? They nourish you and build

you up in the words of faith. That doesn’t mean every sermon has to be on the subject of faith,

but every sermon is from faith, out of faith, in faith, and to faith. Faith is of the spirit. It’s not

mental. You don’t believe God with your mind. The mind is involved in it, but faith is not of the


Romans 10:10 says, “For with the heart man believes...” With what do you believe God? I’m not

talking about your physical blood pump. You can’t believe God with your physical heart any

more than you can believe God with your kidney or with your lung. He’s talking about your

spirit, the inner part of your being—what you are and who you are. You believe God with your

heart. Faith is not mental. It’s not just based on what you know. You can know a lot and be full

of fear and doubt. You can know and quote several scriptures and be full of fear. Faith is of the

heart. Can you recognize a person whose spirit is strong and whose faith is strong? It’s not

intellectual; it’s spiritual, but it’s real.

I’m going to give you some very basic indicators of a strong spirit, and they will help you to

monitor yourself and to know what’s working and what’s not. There are indications, obvious

indicators, that show whether you’re getting stronger or getting weaker. Thank God there’s

something you can do about it. “Nourished up,” he said, “in the words of faith.” First Timothy

4:7 says, “Refuse profane and old wives’ fables...” He talked about two different things that

you’re eating spiritually: words of faith or a bunch of junk that’s not worth anything. The more

serious your situation, the more selective you ought to be about what you are seeing. Listen to

the direction of taking God’s medicine. “My son attend to my words.” (Proverbs 4:20) Attend to

His words.

How many Christians have attended to the doctor’s words instead? I thank God for doctors;

don’t misunderstand me. But many times, they’re just looking at the natural, and they are telling

people that nothing can be done, there’s no hope, or it’s in the last stage. People go home and

think only about those words, and they ignore God’s words. It makes their spirit weak. It drains

them, and they need something to nourish them.

Now, let me say it again, “I thank God for doctors.” If it wasn’t for doctors, nurses, and

medicine, many of us wouldn’t be alive. Do whatever the Lord tells you to do about letting the

doctor or the medicine or the operation help you, but don’t let any man’s word be your last word.

Follow the directions and attend to His words.

What did He say? Did He say anything about you living a long time and being satisfied or being

healed or being delivered? Then that is what you have to keep in front of your eyes. Don’t let

them depart from your eyes. You’ve got to keep it there night and day, and take it, because that

will feed life right into your spirit. It will strengthen you inside. It’s the difference between living

and dying young, prematurely.

You get your spirit strong the same way you get your physical body strong—by eating and

exercising, but eating


food and exercising

