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Healing Is a Part of Redemption


That’s why He was crying and sweating blood and falling. But before He went to the Cross,

there was something else. He was tied to the scourging post, His clothes were ripped off, and He

was beaten. He was beaten like a criminal who deserved to be beaten.

When Isaiah writes about it, he is not seeing Romans. Isaiah is seeing in the Spirit centuries

before it happened. What does it say that he saw? God is bruising Him. God is putting Him to

sickness. Oh friend, get this in your mind. The Romans, soldiers, or whoever it was, were hitting

Him and hitting Him, and when they were hitting Him, it was causing wounds, it was causing

bruises. But what you could not see is when God struck Him with the core. Some say, “For our

sins…” No, that’s not what it said. God struck Him with the spiritual root of every disease and

every sickness that mankind would ever know, so when the Romans were beating Him, from the

hand of the judgment of God this was coming on His spirit, on His soul.

You understand that you can take cancer cells and look at them under a microscope, and there’s a

life in them. There’s a spiritual mobility in them. What is keeping them alive? What is making

them grow? It’s spiritual. There’s a spiritual root, core, and cause of every disease. You can’t see

it with a microscope. God laid that on Him and beat Him with that when the Romans beat Him


Here’s the lie. The devil will say, “Well, yeah, God can heal, and He loves you and all that, but

you’ve messed up. You’ve missed God. You missed His plan for your life, and you messed up so

badly, and you failed so badly.” Exactly. That’s why He was beaten. To say I can’t be healed

because I’ve messed up doesn’t make sense, and yet it’s one of the favorite lines of the enemy.

“Well you messed up, you’ve come short, and you failed, so you don’t have a right.”

If you have messed up and deserve to be punished, including being broke and sick, that’s why

Jesus is there at the whipping post taking your beating for you, taking your sickness for you,

taking your disease, taking your spiritual beating for you—which is sickness and disease.

Can you see this? Don’t let this get away from you. Meditate upon this, talk about it, and think

about it until it gets built up in your spirit, because the revelation of this will heal you; it will heal

you right where you are, just like a man can be born again right where he is, just by believing the

Word. This is the same Bible.

This is the great exchange. This is the Good News. We need to major on this, not minor on it.

Isaiah 53:3 says, “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of pains, and acquainted with

sickness.” If you don’t have that in your Bible, you ought to write it in there. I’ve given you

numerous reasons, and study it out for yourself, but write it in there, and write Matthew 8:17

right beside it.

“A man of pains, and acquainted with sickness: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was

despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs,” our sicknesses, “and

carried our sorrows:” our pains, “yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.”

Who smote Him? God did. “But he was wounded for our transgressions,” not His, “he was