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Moore Life Ministries Website
January 2018
Dear Partner,

Grace and peace from our Lord to you and yours in this New Year.

Our good Lord is the Author and the Finisher (Perfecter) of our faith and of all He has planned and purposed in us. There are many great things He has prepared for us in this year and beyond. He’s already begun them, and if we’ll stay on His course, He will certainly finish them.

“And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.” (Philippians 1:6, Amplified Bible)

If it was the Lord’s will to start a thing, He doesn’t change. He has no other plan than to complete it gloriously. Beware of the enemy’s deception and temptation to make excuses and accept something short of His plan.

“Will I by whom the birth was started, not make it complete? says the Lord. Will I who make children come to birth, let them be kept back? says your God.” (Isaiah 66:9, Bible in Basic English)

Be assured that if we don’t give up, He will bring to pass, to full completion, every good thing He has spoken and started in our lives. There is no reason to settle for anything less when His hand is not shortened from doing it all. Not quite, is not right. He is able to do exceeding, abundantly above—not almost.

The year 2017 was a very fruitful year for Moore Life Ministries. We’ve received many testimonies of the Lord’s saving, healing, delivering, and prospering power. Our labors together are not in vain.

Within a few days, the new TV/Internet studio will be complete. We will begin the new “Faith School” broadcasts from there. (Check the website for schedules on YouTube and other outlets.) Please pray and believe with us about the anointing and utterance for the production of these broadcasts, and also for all the favor and abundant provision it requires to go on whatever media outlets we should.

Thank you for your confidence in us and in the work of this ministry. Without the prayer, faith, and seed of all of us together, it would not happen. But it is happening. To God be the glory.

Laborers together with you for Him,
Keith Moore
Keith Moore
The Greater Faith Conference 2018
Real Faith
Sowing Online
3701 State Hwy 76, Branson, MO 65616