God's Will To Heal - page 180

The Ministry of Jesus
You have to believe this when you don’t see it. You have to proclaim it when everything around
you tells you it’s not so.
Brother Kenneth E. Hagin said that God taught him about prosperity, and that it was His will for
him to prosper. He hadn’t heard it taught, but he got it from the Lord, from the Scripture, from
the Spirit. He said he was broke, and every month he was going in the hole. He owed several
notes, and all he had been able to do for months was pay a little interest on them. He said he
would go and preach that God wants us to prosper, but then he would come back with two
nickels in his pocket and have to walk home because his car was so worn out, he had sold it for
junk. What was he preaching? It’s God’s will for us to prosper. Well, he didn’t look like it. He
said his family wasn’t properly fed, his children weren’t adequately clothed, and he didn’t have
money to do what he needed to do. He would walk to the meetings then preach that God wants
us rich.
Well, he made it, and God blessed him. Usually when he told that story, he would get to laughing
and kicking and say, “And He did it, too. He’s made me rich.” And He did.
But, you don’t wait until you see it to start preaching it. You believe it and preach it when it
doesn’t look like it, and when it doesn’t feel like it.
In the Healing School where I taught, there were some individuals who came and brought a little
boy. I think he was about 5 or 6 years old and had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He had
been in and out of a couple of the best clinics in the world. Nothing against them, but they just
said they couldn’t help him, that there was nothing they could do. He had been through all kinds
of treatments, and they said, “Well, just enjoy the last days you have. There’s nothing that can be
done, nothing medical science can do.”
As a last resort, they came out to Brother Hagin’s ministry, because they knew about his
testimony that he had been healed, and about the Healing School. We were in there with them,
and they stayed with us for week after week. Both the man and the woman were attorneys. They
said their young son had cancerous growths in his brain, in his head, and all over his body.
Isn’t the devil a sorry, mean devil? I tell you what, when he gets thrown into hell, I’m not going
to shed a tear, because he’s got it coming. What a sorry devil. He is the destroyer, the killer, and
the thief.
We laid hands on that child’s head and cursed that cancer, commanded it to die and dry up, and
spoke healing over the boy. Well, he didn’t look any better. He still had all of the symptoms, and
he was still jaundiced and yellow, thin and starving.
His parents took him home; they lived several states away. I found out later that they went home
and started a healing class in their house. Now, the boy still looked like he was at death’s door.
They had to pick him up and carry him around. The doctors said he may not live out the week,
but they invited people to come to their house, and they proclaimed that he was healed and it was
God’s will to heal him. When you looked at him, he looked anything but healed. But they
preached it week after week, and they proclaimed it.
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