Another verse that is similar to this is 1 Thessalonians 5:18. “In every thing give thanks: for this
is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” Is everyone doing that—giving thanks all the
time and in everything? Is there any griping and complaining going on? Is that the will of God?
How did we find out it wasn’t the will of God? We find it right here in the verse. If giving thanks
is the will of God in every situation, then griping cannot be the will of God. If being saved is the
will of God, then being lost cannot be the will of God. If being chaste and being faithful is the
will of God, then affairs, adultery, and fornication cannot be the will of God. If being healed is
the will of God, then being sick can’t be the will of God.
There are a lot of folks with degrees and initials at the end of their name who think it’s more
complicated than this. Of course, they don’t have a scripture for it, and what they
believe is inconsistent with other areas of their life. Besides that, they’re hypocritical about it. If
you do not believe in healing, then don’t try to get healed—at least be honest about it. Don’t go
to the doctor. If you believe you’re supposed to be sick, but you’re trying to get better, then
you’re trying to get out of the will of God.
“Well, I don’t know whether it’s His will or not.” You had better find out, because if it’s really
the will of God for you to be sick, then you and those doctors and all of those nurses are out of
the will of God by trying to change the will of God for your life. You either believe it or you
Or they say, “I don’t believe in all that prosperity stuff.” Well, then be broke. If you really
believe it’s God’s will for you to have nothing, then don’t have anything. Practice what you say
you believe. I know folks don’t like that, but be consistent with what you say you believe.
What is the will of God? Ephesians 5:17 is a very important verse concerning this question. How
can we find the will of God? It says, “Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the
will of the Lord is.”
Are you supposed to find out and understand what the will of the Lord is? Or is it okay to be
ignorant about it and say, “Well, we just don’t know. It’s a mystery, and most things you just
never will know.” Where is the verse that says that? We have a verse here that says we
supposed to find out.
The Amplified Bible says, “Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but
understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.” What is the will of the Lord?
Jesus said, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father,” and He is the Word made flesh that
dwelt among us.
Do you believe that this Bible we have, the written Word, is a manifestation of the Living Word?
Do you believe that the Spirit of God expressed the will of the Father God through these Words,
through Jesus and through the Words that are recorded about Him? Can you find the will of God
in the Bible? If you can’t, where are you going to find it?
Now I know this sounds simplistic, but I’m telling you, people have all kinds of places they go to
find the will of God except the Bible. What is our final authority? I’ve had people say, “Well, I