The All-Inclusive Promises of God
believe it. That’s the wonderful thing about faith—you don’t have to have a clue in order to
believe something. You just decide to believe it.
If you say, “I believe in miracles,” then that means you believe all things are possible to him that
believes. (Mark 9:23)
I believe ravens brought food to a man every morning and every evening. They just flew right in
there and brought it to him. (1 Kings 17:6)
You ask, “Are you talking about wild birds?” Yes.
I believe they took a little pot of oil and filled up several big pots with it. (2 Kings 4:2-6) I
believe an iron ax head floated and swam like a fish. (2 Kings 6:6) Have you ever seen a piece of
iron swim? It happened. I believe a man got clean from terminal leprosy just by dipping in a
river. (2 Kings 5:14) I believe a man stayed all night in a lion’s den with a bunch of hungry lions,
and they didn’t bite him one time, and he came out without a scratch. (Daniel 6:16-20) I believe
three men got thrown into an inferno so hot it would melt everything, and they did not get burned
or singed, and there wasn’t even the smell of smoke on their clothes. (Daniel 3:27)
A lot of people would tell us, “That’s impossible.” But it happened. I believe in miracles. I
believe thousands of people ate and were full and had some left over from a little boy’s lunch.
(Matthew 14:17-20) I believe the blind saw. (John 9:25) I believe the deaf heard and the dumb
spoke. (Mark 7:32-35) I believe the lame walked. (Acts 3:7) I believe water turned into wine.
(John 4:46) I believe someone walked on the water. (Matthew 14:29) I believe they got tax
money out of a fish’s mouth. (Matthew 17:27) I believe a severed ear was stuck back on the head
and was instantly okay. (Luke 22:50,51) I believe a virgin conceived. (Luke 1:26-31;2:6-7) I
believe a Man, though He was dead, was raised from the dead never to die again. (Matthew 28:6)
I believe in miracles!
Do you believe in miracles? Then why can’t we believe they can happen today? Not only
they, they
have been
happening, and they
happening, and they
will yet
happen, greater and
greater, and stronger and stronger.
Say this out loud:
I believe in miracles.
I believe in things people can’t explain.
I believe all things are possible to those that believe.
Now, when people say, “I don’t believe in all that,” then that would explain why it doesn’t
happen for them, because it happens only for those who believe.
It’s easy to read a verse and just let it kind of go past you. But when you say that all things are
possible to him that believes, I want to remind you of the kinds of things that have happened
over and over again, that experts of all types would say could not happen, no way. But they
happened. When they say, “No way,” they’re saying it wrong. It’s either out of ignorance or
arrogance or both, but they’re saying it wrong. They should say, “I don’t know of any way,” and